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  • [Neurosci] Where The Brain Organizes Actions 日期:2006-06-20 09:17:42 点击:121 好评:0

    Researchers have discovered that Broca's area in the brain--best known as the region that evolved to manage speech production--is a major "executive" center in the brain for organizing hierarchies of behaviors. Such planning ability, from...

  • [Neurosci] Salk And Stanford Teams Join Forces To Reveal Two Paths Of N 日期:2006-06-20 09:17:35 点击:174 好评:0

    Wiring the developing brain is like creating a topiary garden. Shrubs don't automatically assume the shape of ornamental elephants, and neither do immature nerve cells immediately recognize the "right" target cell. Abundant foliage, either...

  • [Neurosci] To Profit Or Explore -- It Seems That Is The Question 日期:2006-06-20 09:17:31 点击:230 好评:0

    People are constantly pulled between profiting from the things they know will reap rewards and exploring options but it is exploration that uses high-level regions of the brain, according to a study by UCL (University College London) s...

  • [Neurosci] Open Enrollment Continues For Noninvasive Approach To Improv 日期:2006-06-20 09:17:19 点击:163 好评:0

    San Francisco - A Bay Area study on the effects of Brain Fitness Training , which has drawn participation from hundreds of adults aged 65 and older, is seeking additional participants. The study sponsor, Posit Science Corporation, translat...

  • [Neurosci] Sleepy Fruit Flies Provide Clues To Learning And Memory 日期:2006-06-19 09:57:57 点击:206 好评:0

    Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine have discovered that a brain region previously known for its role in learning and memory also serves as the location of sleep regulation in fruit flies. Through further exami...

  • [Neurosci] New Roles For Growth Factors: Enticing Nerve Cells To Muscle 日期:2006-06-19 09:56:13 点击:185 好评:0

    During embryonic development, nerve cells hesitantly extend tentacle-like protrusions called axons that sniff their way through a labyrinth of attractive and repulsive chemical cues that guide them to their target. While several recent stu...

  • [Neurosci] Glucocorticoids, Leptin, And Endocannabinoids In The PVN 日期:2006-06-18 12:58:22 点击:171 好评:0

    Malcher-Lopes et al. provide electrophysiological and biochemical evidence for a signaling pathway that begins with glucocorticoid stimulation of endocannabinoid synthesis via a Gas-cAMP-PKA pathway, and which is countered by leptin via ph...

  • [Neurosci] Temperament And The Response To Monetary Incentives 日期:2006-06-18 12:58:05 点击:198 好评:0

    Behaviorally inhibited (shy) people have heightened behavioral and neural responses to threatening stimuli. This week, Guyer et al. tested the responses of a cohort of shy and non-shy adolescents (10 - 15 years of age) to a rewarding stimu...

  • [Neurosci] Stimulating Risk-Taking Behavior 日期:2006-06-18 12:57:41 点击:185 好评:0

    Are you the type of person that takes great risks for minimal rewards, or do you want big rewards for even minimal risk? No, this is not a survey of investment strategies, rather Knoch et al. this week offer some interesting insights into...

  • [Neurosci] Making Schwann Cells From Skin Precursors 日期:2006-06-18 12:57:08 点击:198 好评:0

    The hunt goes on for more accessible sources of neural stem cells. In this week's Journal, McKenzie et al. go to the skin as a source of neural crest precursors. When the authors treated rodent and human skin-derived precursors (SKPs) with...
