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  • [Neurosci] To Profit Or Explore -- It Seems That Is The Question 日期:2006-06-20 09:17:31 点击:230 好评:0

    People are constantly pulled between profiting from the things they know will reap rewards and exploring options but it is exploration that uses high-level regions of the brain, according to a study by UCL (University College London) s...

  • [Neurosci] Open Enrollment Continues For Noninvasive Approach To Improv 日期:2006-06-20 09:17:19 点击:163 好评:0

    San Francisco - A Bay Area study on the effects of Brain Fitness Training , which has drawn participation from hundreds of adults aged 65 and older, is seeking additional participants. The study sponsor, Posit Science Corporation, translat...

  • [Neurosci] Sleepy Fruit Flies Provide Clues To Learning And Memory 日期:2006-06-19 09:57:57 点击:206 好评:0

    Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine have discovered that a brain region previously known for its role in learning and memory also serves as the location of sleep regulation in fruit flies. Through further exami...

  • [Neurosci] New Roles For Growth Factors: Enticing Nerve Cells To Muscle 日期:2006-06-19 09:56:13 点击:185 好评:0

    During embryonic development, nerve cells hesitantly extend tentacle-like protrusions called axons that sniff their way through a labyrinth of attractive and repulsive chemical cues that guide them to their target. While several recent stu...

  • [Neurosci] Glucocorticoids, Leptin, And Endocannabinoids In The PVN 日期:2006-06-18 12:58:22 点击:171 好评:0

    Malcher-Lopes et al. provide electrophysiological and biochemical evidence for a signaling pathway that begins with glucocorticoid stimulation of endocannabinoid synthesis via a Gas-cAMP-PKA pathway, and which is countered by leptin via ph...

  • [Neurosci] Temperament And The Response To Monetary Incentives 日期:2006-06-18 12:58:05 点击:198 好评:0

    Behaviorally inhibited (shy) people have heightened behavioral and neural responses to threatening stimuli. This week, Guyer et al. tested the responses of a cohort of shy and non-shy adolescents (10 - 15 years of age) to a rewarding stimu...

  • [Neurosci] Stimulating Risk-Taking Behavior 日期:2006-06-18 12:57:41 点击:185 好评:0

    Are you the type of person that takes great risks for minimal rewards, or do you want big rewards for even minimal risk? No, this is not a survey of investment strategies, rather Knoch et al. this week offer some interesting insights into...

  • [Neurosci] Making Schwann Cells From Skin Precursors 日期:2006-06-18 12:57:08 点击:198 好评:0

    The hunt goes on for more accessible sources of neural stem cells. In this week's Journal, McKenzie et al. go to the skin as a source of neural crest precursors. When the authors treated rodent and human skin-derived precursors (SKPs) with...

  • [Neurosci] Clues Help Differentiate Psychological Seizures From Epileps 日期:2006-06-18 12:57:02 点击:176 好评:0

    Up to 30 percent of those diagnosed with epilepsy don't actually have the disorder. They have psychological nonepileptic seizures, or psychogenic seizures, that are caused by psychological conditions, not by the abnormal electrical activit...

  • [Neurosci] Erotic Images Elicit Strong Response From Brain 日期:2006-06-18 12:56:49 点击:348 好评:0

    A study suggests the brain is quickly turned on and "tuned in" when a person views erotic images. Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis measured brainwave activity of 264 women as they viewed a series of...
