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Demonstration of endospores by means of the Shaeffer-Fulton

时间:2005-07-18 00:00来源:Scienceboard.net 作者:admin 点击: 164次
Thursday, November 20, 2003

Please see the procedure

1. Flame one side of the slide in the flame of your Bunsen burner to remove any oil
or grease. Allow the slide to cool.

2. Place a drop of water in the center of the slide with your inoculating loop.

3. Transfer some of the bacteria to be stained from the culture to the drop of water on
the slide. Mix.

4. Spread the drop of bacterial suspension out over the slide with your inoculating loop
to form a thin smear about the size of a nickel. Allow the smear to air dry and then
heat fix it.

5. Fill a can about half full of water, place it on a ring stand, and then heat the water
with your Bunsen burner until it begins to steam.

6. Cover the slide with malachite green stain. Place the slide on the can of steaming
water and steam for 5 minutes. During this period the stain should steam but should
not boil. Make sure that the slide does not dry out by replacing any stain which is
lost by evaporation.

7. Remove the slide from the can of steaming water, pour off the stain and briefly rinse
the slide in gently running water.

8. Cover the smear with safranin and allow the stain to remain on the slide for one
(1) minute. Pour off the stain, rinse the slide in a stream of gently running water, and
then blot the slide dry.

9. Examine the slide under the oil immersion lens of your microscope. The bacterial
cells will appear pink and endospores, if they are present, green.

1. Microscope slides

2. Tin can

3. Staining rack

4. Malachite green stain

5. Safranin stain



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