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时间:2007-11-28 05:04来源:生物谷 作者:bioguider 点击: 108次
2000年全国攻读硕 士学位研究生入学考试英语试题
Part I Structure and Vocabulary
Section A
Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked[A],[B],[C]and [D],Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1 by black-Example:
I have been to the Great Wall three times____1979.
[A]from [B]after [C]for [D]since
The sentence should read,"I have been to the Great Wall three times since 1979." Therefore, you should choose [D]
Sample Answer
1.As I'll be away for at least a year, I'd appreciate____from you now and then telling me how everyone is getting along.
[A]hearing [B]to hear [C]to be hearing [D]having heard
2.Greatly agitated, I rushed to the apartment and tried the door, ___ to find it locked.
[A]just [B]only [C]hence [D]thus
3.Doctors see a connection between increase amounts of leisure time spent___ and the increased number of cases of skin cancer.
[A]to sunbathe [B]to have sunbathed
[C]having sunbathed [D]sunbathing
4.Unless you sign a contract with the insurance company for your goods, you are not entitled____ a repayment for the goods damaged in delivery.
[A]to [B]with [C]for [D]on
5.On a rainy day I was driving north through Vermont____ I noticed a young man holding up a sign reading "Boston".
[A]which [B]where [C]when [D]that
6.Christie stared angrily at her boos and turned away, as though____ out of the office.
[A]went [B]gone [C]to go [D]would go
7.The roles expected___ old people in such a setting give too few psychological satisfactions for normal happiness.
[A]of [B]on [C]to [D] with
8.Talk to anyone in the drug industry,____ you'll soon discover that the science of genetics is the biggest thing to hit drug research since penicillin was discovered.
[A]or [B]and [C]for [D]so
9.It wasn't so much that I disliked her___ that I just wasn't interested in the whole business.
[A]rather [B]so [C]than [D]as
10.Countless divouced politicians would have been elected out of office years ago had they even thought of a divouce, let alone___ one.
[A]getting [B]to get [C]gotten [D]get
Section B
Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked[A],[B][C],and[D].Identify the part of the sentence that is incorrect and mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET1 by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets with a pencil.(5points)
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Section C
Beneath each of the following sentences, there four choices marked[A],[B],[C]and[D].Choose the one that best completes the sentenec. Mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1 by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets with a pencil.(10 points)
The lost car of the Lees was found____ in the woods off the highway.
[A]vanished [B]scattered [C]abandoned [D]rejected
The sentence should read," The lost car of the Lees was found abandoned in the woods off the highway."Therefore, you should choose[C].
Sample Answer

21.He spoke so___ that even his opponents were won over by his arguments.
[A]bluntly [B]convincingly
[C]emphatically [D]determinedly
22.France's ____of nuclear testing in the South Pacific last month triggered political debates and mass demonstrations.
[A]assumption [B]consumption
[C]presumption [D]resumption
23.The 215-page manuscript, circulated to publishers last October,____ an outburst of interest.
[A]flared [B]glittered [C]sparked [D]flashed
24.His efforts to bring about a reconciliation between the two Parties_____.
[A]came off [B]came on [C]came round [D]came down
25.The system was redesigned to embrace the network and eventually____ it in a profitable direction.
[A]adapt [B]control [C]install [D]steer
26.The capital intended to broaden the export base and ____efficiency gains from international trade was channeled instead into uneconomic import substitution.
[A]secure [B]extend [C]defend [D]possess
27.It is announced that a wallet has been found and can be____ at the manager's office.
[A]declared [B]obtained [C]reclaimed [D]recognized
28.When I___ my senses, I found myself wrapped up in bed in my little room, with Grandma bending over me.
[A]woke up [B]took to [C]picked up [D]came to
29.The American society is___ an exceedingly shaky foundation of natural resources, which is connected with the possibility of a worsening environment.
[A]established on [B]affiliated to
[C]originated from [D]incorporated with
30.I am not_____ with my roommate but I have to share the room with her, because I have nowhere else to live.
[A]concerned [B]compatible [C]considerate [D]complied
31.At first, the____ of color pictures over a long distance seemed impossible, but, with painstaking efforts and at great expense, it became a reality.
[A]transaction [B]transmission
[C]transformation [D]transition
32.When the committee_____ to details, the proposed plan seemed impractical.
[A]got down [B]set about [C]went off [D]came up
33.____to some parts of South America is still difficult, because parts of the continent are still covered with thick forests.
[A]Orientation [B]Access [C]Procession [D]Voyage
34.Mr Smith had an unusual_____: he was first an office clerk, the a sailor, and ended up as a school teacher.
[A]profession [B]occupation [C]position [D]career
35.The mayor is a woman with great____ and therefore deserves our political and financial support.
[A]intention [B]instinct [C]integrity [D]intensity
36.The English weather defies forecast and hence is a source of interest____ to everyone.
[A]speculation [B]attribution [C]utilization [D]proposition
37.The fact that the golden eagle usually builds its nest on some high cliffs___ it almost impossible to obtain the eggs or the young birds.
[A]renders [B]reckons [C]regards [D]relates
38.To impress a future employer, one should dress neatly be____, and display in the job.
[A]swift [B]instant [C]timely [D]punctual
39.You don't have to install this radio in your new car, it's an_____ extra.
[A]excessive [B]optional [C]additional [D]arbitrary
40.We were pleased to note that the early morning delivery didn't______ to the traffic jam of the busy city.
[A]aid [B]amount [C]add [D]attribute
PartⅡ Cloze Test
For each numbered blank in following passage, there are four choices marked
[A],[B],[C]and[D].Choose the best one and mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1 by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets with a pencil.(10 points)
If a farmer wishes to succeed, he must try to keep a wide gap between his consumption and his production. He must store a large quantity of grain 41 consuming all his grain immediately. He can continue to support himself and his family 42 he produces a surplus. He must use this surplus in three ways: as seed for sowing, as an insurance 43 the unpredictable effects of bad weather and as a commodity which he must sell in order to 44 old agricultural implements and obtain chemical fertilizers to 45 the soil. He may also need money to construct irrigation 46 and improve his farm in other ways. If no surplus is available, a farmer cannot be 47 . He must either sell some of his loans. Naturally he will try to borrow money at a low 49 of interest, but loans of this kind are not 50 obtainable.
41.[A]other than [B]as well as [C]instead of [D]more than 
42.[A]only if [B]much as [C]long before [D]ever since  
43.[A]for [B]against[C]supplement [D]dispose 
44.[A]replace [B]purchase [C]supplement [D]dispose
45.[A]enhance [B]mix [C]feed [D]raise 
46.[A]vessels [B]routes [C]paths [D]channels  
47.[A]self-confident [B]self-sufficient
  [C]self-satisfied [D]self-restrained 
48.[A]search [B]save [C]offer [D]seek
49.[A]proportion [B]percentage [C]rate [D]ratio  
50.[A]genuinely [B]obviously [C]presumably [D]frequently
Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension
Each of the passages below is followed by some questions. For each question there are four answers marked[A],[B][C]and[D].Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions. Then mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1 by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets with a pencil.(40points)
Passage 1
A history of long and effortless success can be a dreadful handicap, but, if properly handled, it may become a driving force. When the United States entered just such a glowing period after the end of the Second World War, it had a market eight ties larger than any competitor, giving its industries unparalleled economies of scale. Its scientists were the world's best, its workers the most skilled. America and Americans were prosperous beyond the dreams of the Europeans and Asians whose economies the war had destroyed. 
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