
Lorne M. Mendell(10)

时间:2008-07-05 01:26来源:神经所 作者:bioguider 点击: 325次


76.    Shu X and Mendell LM (1999) Nerve growth factor acutely sensitizes the response of adult rat sensory neurons to capsaicin. Neurosci. Lett. 274:159-162.


77.    Arvanov VL, Seebach BS and Mendell, LM (2000) NT-3 evokes an LTP- like facilitation of AMPA/Kainate- mediated synaptic transmission in the neonatal rat spinal cord. J. Neurophysiol. 84: 752- 758.


78.    Arvanov VL and Mendell LM (2001) Removal of NMDA receptor Mg2+ block extends the action of neurotrophin-3 on synaptic transmission in neonatal rat motoneurons. J. Neurophysiol. 86: 123-129


79.    Mendell LM, Munson JB and Arvanian VL (2001) Neurotrophins and synaptic plasticity in the mammalian spinal cord. J Physiol 533: 91-97


80.    Shu X and Mendell LM (2001) Acute sensitization by NGF of the response of small- diameter sensory neurons to capsaicin. J. Neurophysiol. 86: 2931- 2938.


81.    Arvanian VL and Mendell L.M (2001) Acute modulation of synaptic transmission to motoneurons by BDNF in the neonatal rat spinal cord. Eur. J. Neurosci.14: 1800- 1808.


82.    Mendell LM and Arvanian VL (2002) Diversity of neurotrophin action in the postnatal spinal cord. Brain Res. Reviews 40: 230-239.


83.    Mendell LM (2002) Does NGF binding to p75 and trkA receptors activate independent signaling pathways to sensitize nociceptors? J. Physiol. (Perspective) 544, P. 333.


84.    Galoyan SM, Petruska JC and Mendell LM (2003) Mechanisms of sensitization of the response of single DRG cells from adult rat to noxious heat Eur. J. Neurosci. 18: 535- 541


85.    Arvanian VL, Horner PJ, Gage FH and Mendell LM (2003) Intrathecal neurotrophin-3-secreting fibroblasts strengthen synaptic connections to motoneurons in the neonatal rat. J. Neurosci.23: 8706-8712.


86.    Garraway S, Petruska JC and Mendell LM (2003) BDNF modulates dorsal root evoked synaptic currents in substantia gelatinosa neurons. Eur. J. Neurosci. 18: 2467-2476.


87.    Arvanian VL, Bowers WJ, Petruska JC, Manuzon H, Narrow WC, Motin V, Federoff HJ and Mendell LM (2004) Viral delivery of NR2D subunits reduces Mg2+ block of NMDA receptor and restores NT-3-induced potentiation of AMPA/kainate responses in maturing rat motoneurons  J. Neurophysiol .92: 2394- 2404.


88.    Zhu W, Galoyan SM, Petruska JC, Oxford GS and Mendell LM. (2004) A developmental switch in acute sensitization of small dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons to capsaicin or noxious heating by NGF J. Neurophysiol. 92: 3148- 3152.


89.    Arvanian VL, Motin V and Mendell LM (2005) Comparison of metabotropic glutamate receptor responses at segmental and descending inputs to motoneurons in neonatal rat spinal cord. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther. 312: 669-77.


90.    Garraway SM, Anderson AJ and Mendell LM (2005) BDNF-induced facilitation of afferent evoked responses in lamina II neurons is reduced following neonatal spinal cord contusion injury. J. Neurophysiol.  94: 1798- 1804.


91.    Arvanian VL, Bowers WJ, Anderson AJ,  Horner PJ,  Federoff  HJ and Mendell LM (2006) Combined delivery of neurotrophin-3 and NMDA receptors 2D subunit strengthens synaptic transmission in contused and staggered double hemisected spinal cord of neonatal rat Exp. Neurol. 197: 347- 352.


92.    Arvanian VL, Manuzon H, Davenport M, Bushell G, Mendell LM and Robinson JK (2006) Combined treatment with neurotrophin-3 and LSD facilitates behavioral recovery from double- hemisection spinal injury in neonatal rats. J. Neurotrauma 23: 66-74.


93.    Garraway SM and Mendell LM (2007) Spinal cord transection enhances afferent- evoked inhibition in lamina II neurons and abolishes BDNF- induced facilitation of their sensory input. J. Neurotrauma 24: 379- 390.


94.    Petruska JC, Ichiyama RM, Crown ED, Tansey KE, Roy RR Edgerton VR and Mendell LM (2007) Changes in motoneuron properties and synaptic inputs related to step training following spinal cord transection in rats. J. Neuroscience 27: 4460- 4471


95.    Tan AM, Petruska JC, Mendell LM and Levine JM (2007) Sensory afferents regenerated into dorsal columns after spinal cord injury remain in a chronic pathophysiological state. Exp. Neurol. 206:257-68.



Invited reviews, Chapters


1.        Mendell LM and Hollyday MA (1976) Spinal reflexes in anurans with an altered periphery.  In R. Llinas, and W. Precht (Eds.), Handbook of Frog Neurobiology, Springer-Verlag, New York.


2.        Mendell LM and Henneman E (1980) Principles governing distribution and effect of input to motoneuron pools.  In V.B. Mountcastle (Ed.), Ch. 27 of 14th Edition of Medical Physiology textbook, C.V. Mosby, St. Louis.


3.        Edgerton VR, Smith LA, Eldred E, Cope TC and Mendell LM (1980) Muscle and motor unit properties of exercised and non- exercised chronic spinal cats. In D. Pette (Ed.), Plasticity of Muscle, Karger, Berlin.


4.        Mendell LM and Cope TC (1981) Fluctuations in Group Ia EPSPs: Consequences for mechanisms of transmitter release and measured parameters of averaged EPSPs.  XXVIIIth International Congress of Physiological Sciences.  Budapest Akademiai Kiado.


5.        Henneman E and Mendell LM (1981) Organization of motor pool and its inputs.  In V. Brooks (Ed.), Motor Control. Handbook of Physiology, American Physiological Society.


6.        Mendell LM, Nelson SG and Cope TC (1981) Functional changes caudal to spinal cord transection. In W. Precht and H. Flohr (Eds.), Mechanisms of Recovery Following Lesions in Sensorimotor Systems.  Springer Verlag.


7.        Sedivec MJ, Ovelmen-Levitt J, and Mendell LM (1981) Changes in modality convergence in cells of the partially deafferented dorsal horn.  In A.G. Brown, M. Rethelyi (Eds.). Spinal Cord Sensation.  Scottish Academic Press, pp. 329-330.


8.        Mendell LM, Cope TC and Nelson SG (1982) Plasticity of the monosynaptic pathway to motoneurons. In P. Strick, M. Goldberger (Eds.), Changing Concepts of the Nervous System.  Proceedings of the First Institute of Neurological Sciences Symposium in Neurobiology at University of Pennsylvania.  Academic Press, 69- 78.


9.        Mendell LM (1982)  Temporal changes after spinal cord injury. In J.G. Nicholls (Ed.), Repair and Regeneration of the Nervous System.  Dahlem Workshop Report, Springer-Verlag, 255-268.


10.      Mendell LM and Sedivec MJ (1985) Physiological consequences of dorsal rhizotomy on the receptive field organization of dorsal horn neurons. In H.R. Winn, R. Rimel, J.A. Jane (Eds.) Synaptic Reorganization in Spinal Cord Following Injury.  Raven Press, New York.


11.      Veraa RP and Mendell LM (1986) Strategies for modifying axonal growth, synaptic function and recovery of neural function after injury to the Central Nervous System:  A Conference Report.  Exp. Neurol. 93: 1-56.

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