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Dr. Nora D. Volkow

时间:2011-12-17 05:38来源: 作者:刘玉溪 点击: 46次
Dr. Nora D. Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse of the N.I.H., which oversees the work, called the delivery crucial for the new federal research projects. These include last month’s award of $2.5 million for the first year of a planned five-year series of studies into threshold levels of nicotine addiction and the possible impact of a sharp reduction in nicotine on smoking and public health.

Tests so far on the experimental cigarettes are encouraging enough that Dr. Hatsukami is going into a Phase 3 clinical trial. That means Phase 2 trials have proven effectiveness on humans. Phase 3 measures both effectiveness and safety. 22nd Century is also planning to start Phase 3 trials next year.

“According to a report from the World Bank, non-price measures would cost 7.8 to 155.8 times more compared to fiscal measures in achieving the same effect on the war against smoking, which will eventually burden taxpayers,’’ a Seoul analyst said.

“The incumbent administration has sought to avoid the image of being friendly to the haves rather than have-nots. Accordingly, it would be difficult to raise the price of tobacco as smoking is more common among the middle and lower classes than the rich,’’ Lim said.

He’s also encouraging parents to sign an online petition calling for the end of the test marketing of these products in Colorado, and he’s asking school boards and other organizations across the state to draft similar resolutions. (责任编辑:泉水)
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