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WEBVISION The Organization of the R(3)

时间:2007-01-31 06:53来源:webvision.med.utah.edu 作者:admin 点击: 766次
  1. Introduction
  2. Different glutamate receptor types
  3. ON and OFF stratification
  4. Electrical properties
  5. Behavioral and clinical implications
  6. Visual processing under pharmacological blockade
  7. Summary and conclusions
  8. References
Development of cell types and synaptic connections in the retina. by Josh Morgan and Rachel Wong
  1. Introduction
  2. Sequence of circuit assembly in the vertebrate retina
  3. Structural assembly
  4. Development of pre- and postsynaptic processes
  5. Functional assembly
  6. Development of synaptic connectivity
  7. Spontaneous activity
  8. Light responses
  9. Summary
Formation of Early Retinal Circuits in the Inner Plexiform Layer. by Marla Feller
  1. Introduction
  2. Neurotransmitters and Early Retinal Development
  3. Spontaneously Active Synaptic Circuits
  4. Retinal Waves
  5. Chemical Synaptic Transmission
  6. Gap Junctions
  7. Role of Activity in Formation of ON and OFF Circuitry
  8. References
Color Vision. by Peter Gouras
  1. Introduction
  2. The Evolution of Vision
  3. Color Vision
  4. Chromatic versus Achromatic Contrast
  5. Divariant Mammalian Color Vision
  6. Simultaneous Contrast
  7. Trivariant Human Color Vision
  8. Hue, Saturation and Brightness
  9. The Hering Theory of Color Vision
  10. Hering Red-Green Channel in the Retina
  11. Hering Blue-Yellow Channel in the Retina
  12. Hering White-Black Channel in the Retina
  13. Retinal Interneurons
  14. The Role of Phasic Ganglion Cells
  15. The Lateral Geniculate Nucleus
  16. Color Vision in Visual Cortex
  17. Color Vision beyond Striate Cortex
  18. Color and Form
  19. References
GABAc Receptors. by Haohua Qian
  1. Properties of GABA receptors
  2. GABAc responses on retinal neurons
  3. Pharmacology of GABAc receptors
  4. Molecular biology of GABAc receptors
  5. Function of GABAc receptors in the retina
  6. References
Psychophysics of Vision. by Michael Kalloniatis and Charles Luu
  1. Principles of Psychophysics
  2. Visual Acuity
  3. Temporal Resolution
  4. Light and Dark Adaptation
  5. The Perception of Colour (责任编辑:泉水)
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