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时间:2007-11-28 05:04来源:生物谷 作者:bioguider 点击: 95次

Part V Writing (15 points)
A.Study the following cartoon carefully and write an essay in no less than 150words.
B.Your essay must be written clearly on the ANSWER SHEET II.
C.Your essay should meet the requirements below:
1. Write out the messages conveyed by the cartoon.
2. Give your comments
Part I Structure and Vocabulary
Section A(1-10)
Section B(11-20)
Section C(21-40)
Part II Cloze Test(41-50)
Part III Reading Comprehension(51-70)
Part IV English Chinese Translation





Part V Writing
    Recently, more and more people have seen varieties of promises either from TV, newspaper or from other media. As is shown in the cartoon, even a hen has leanred how to promise. We all know that hen's duty is to lay eggs which should undoutbly consist of most elementary part. But the hen promises what she should do!(图画点题,夹叙夹议)
    With the development of the society and the improvement of people's living standard, more and more attention should be paid to the improvement of quality of service. Therefore, many enterprises and departments promise to better their services so as to meet the people's need better. They are also pleased to invite people to supervise what they have done and will do. But much to our surprise, some of them just say something that they should do. These promises are only laughted at by people. (解释配诗,又有议论)
    In my opinion, doing more is better than proming more. Because people are willing to be served really. All we should lay more emphasis on what we do and how we can virtually improve the level of service. Only in this way can we make people satisfied with what we do. (发表自己的观点)
Such A Promise
    There is a cartoon with the topic of “Such A Promise” says “Promises are often make in many business, that we welcome your supervisement and will not refuse it.”
    But it's all what they should do and it's not at all necessary to sing this “song of civilization.”(这两段写出了“message conveyed by the cartoon”)
    Yes, it's ture, There are so many people thinking that it's not their obligation to do what they should do. They like to sing that “song of civilization” and pretend they were good to finish their job. But in fact, it's normal. People should finish their jobs heart and soul. Nice men do thier job without any vacant promise. They just do their best. Only such people can improve the development of the country. They are common. But they are needed, they are useful.
    Those who only can say something and always make vacant comments are not practical. They just say and not do. They are unfit for the modernization. They are harmful to our country. And there are so many such people. So we should have a thorough refermation just as we are doing now. We should improve our people's virgin and teach them to do more things than to say. (这两段为评论)
    The carton shows us the messages conveyed. Today, we see messages conveyed in our life, this like the cartoon picture, the hen's promise, the hen's egg who are ensured the egg should be all the age things.
    From the cartoon, we see this recovered some problem. Some promise raised in our social. Firstly, some produties and some companies in order to gain profits, they nelected the peoples's hope and ieads. A serval proty says produce a large of by profitable. Secondly, some unit long for advance in some unite and factory, they seledom songs highly songs, which keep thier majority conditions, this generally made wrong measure to deal with our goverment, our people. Thirdly, this observes let's unpleasured and worried. This cheat factors bring up troulbes in people's life, the people don't know the massages conveyed is true or not. The messages conveyed is conveyed, or isn't conveyed.
    In my opinion that this observes large dangerous our life, the messages conveyed isn't conveyed, and the messages conveyed bring not conveyed. My comments that we improve and critics this observes, Our goverment and our solical must highly deal with this promblem, Our people must save this wrong action, let messages conveyed truely bring our life, let our solical have actually improved this problem, In order to our future.(10分,本题在于结构好,使阅卷老师“一不留神”就给了高分。)  (责任编辑:泉水)
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