
  • 美国造出最高分辨率显微镜可见单个氢原子

    日期:2008-02-02 05:39:48 点击:506 好评:4

    两个金晶原子以复杂的排列方式组合在一起,它们之间的距离为2.3埃 最近装配完成的“TEAM 0.5”显微镜 新浪科技讯 北京时间1月25日消息,据国外媒体报道,美国能源部国家电子显微镜中心(NCEM)最近装配完成了世界上性能最强大的电子显微镜,该显微镜的分辨率可...

  • 美科学家新技术让扫描隧道显微镜变快100倍

    日期:2007-11-22 00:46:13 点击:198 好评:0

    新浪科技讯 北京时间11月13日消息,据国外媒体报道,来自美国康奈尔大学和波士顿大学的科学家近日称,他们最近开发出一种新技术,能够让扫描隧道显微镜(STM)成像速度加快100倍,可以清晰地观测到原子的细微变化情况。 这是一个简单的改动,其原理基于目前在...

  • 电子显微镜的现状与展望

    日期:2006-03-26 23:51:05 点击:6644 好评:28

    摘要: 本文扼要介绍了电子显微镜的现状与展望。透射电子显微镜方面主要有:高分辨电子显微学及原子像的观察,像差校正电子显微镜,原子尺度电子全息学,表面的高分辨电子显微正面成像,超高压电子显微镜,中等电压电镜,120kV,100kV分析电镜,场发射枪扫描透...

  • EM Fixative and Embedding Recipes

    日期:2006-02-25 20:15:55 点击:678 好评:0

    This is how we make up our embedding media for serial sectioning. In these tables, you are able to change the volumes highlighted in yellow and the weight measurements will also be calculated automatically and changed in the table. False 5...

  • Reconstruction Protocols---Kristen M. Harris&

    日期:2006-02-25 20:14:19 点击:548 好评:0

    Reconstruction Protocols: How to Visualize Something Really Small Aligning and Tracing To align a series with sEM Align Detailed information on how to trace and reconstruct objects using our software is available in the software's document...

  • Electron Microscopy Protocols--Kristen M.&nbs

    日期:2006-02-25 20:11:19 点击:718 好评:0

    Electron Microscopy Protocols Credits Part A: Tissue Preparation LTP Physiology Protocol Vibroslicer VT 1000S Slice Dissection and Vibratoming in Agarose Stoelting Tissue Chopper Microwave ProcessingProtocol Schedules: a. Standard Epon b....

  • EM Immunogold Labeling Protocol - P

    日期:2006-01-22 15:57:40 点击:1181 好评:0

    EM Immunogold Labeling Protocol - Pre-embedding Method Procedure: 1. Sectioning: Vibratome sections at 50 um thick. 2. Collect sections in 0.1M PB. 3. Pretreatment: treat sections with 1% sodium borohydride solution for 30 minutes. 4. Rins...

  • EM Negative Staining Protocol for V

    日期:2006-01-22 15:56:32 点击:823 好评:0

    EM Negative Staining Protocol for Virus and Macrophages Fixation: 100 ul of virus/phages suspension was fixed with 10ul fixative (10% formaldehyde and 5% glutaraldehyde in deionized water) to give a final concentration in the virus/phages...

  • EM Immunogold Labeling Protocol - P

    日期:2006-01-22 15:55:56 点击:1018 好评:0

    EM Immunogold Labeling Protocol - Post-embedding Method Procedure: 1. Fixation : fix specimen with 4% formaldehyde in 0.1M PB, pH 7.4 for 12-24 hours. For free cells or cell suspension, fix cell pellet for 2-4 hours. 2. Rinse in 0.1M PB fo...

  • L.R. White Embedding Protocol for E

    日期:2006-01-22 15:44:45 点击:843 好评:0

    L.R. White Embedding Protocol for Electron Microscopy Overview: Resin embedding for LM provide greatly improved cellular definition compared to paraffin embedding, and for this reason is now widely used in diagnoses particularly of renal d...